St. Paul’s Administrative Committees are focused on the business side of the church. These committees ensure financial oversight, governance administration, and staff management. Our current governance committees include the Board of Trustees, Executive Leadership Committee, Staff/Parish Relations Committee, and Finance Committee.

Co-Lay Leaders / Church Council Chair & Vice Chair

St. Paul’s elects two people to serve as Co-Lay Leaders, with each serving two-year terms. Thus, one is “senior” for their second year and also serves as the Chair of the Church Council that year. The “junior” lay leader is vice-chair of the Church Council for their first year. Both Lay Leaders serve as ad hoc members of other committees with voice and vote, dividing the committees between them. The Co-Lay Leaders meet regularly with clergy and with other committee chairs for information sharing, planning, and proposal creation purposes. Click here for more information on the Church Council Chair's responsibilities.


The Finance Committee is comprised of representatives of all the standing administrative committees as well as three members-at-large. This team is responsible for the annual budget as well as monitoring monthly expenditure vs. income ratios. Finance includes both the Church Treasurer and Financial Secretary and provides those individuals with oversight and necessary protections, such as regular audits of the books and record keeping. Click here for more information.

Ministry Central

This team is St. Paul’s oversight committee for all non-administrative committees, groups, and task forces. This includes everything from United Women in Faith to age-level ministries, general mission and outreach, and specific initiatives like the Shower Ministry. If you have ideas of how St. Paul’s might be a blessing to our community and the wider world, this is where you come to propose ideas and get the necessary support to get started!

Nominations and Lay Leadership Development

This team is responsible for enrolling church members in serving on our various committees and leadership roles and then providing structure and insight into how to perform those functions through the development of job descriptions and provision of leadership training, such as with the DiSC profile. Click here for more information.

Staff Parish Relations Committee

This committee serves as the bridge between clergy/staff to and from the congregation, helping to ensure that each understands and correctly, compassionately interprets the other. This committee is responsible for hiring and firing staff, as well as staff supervision in tandem with the lead clergy. SPR works with the DS and the Appointive Cabinet regarding clergy appointment and supervision. A representative from SPR attends Finance meetings and Church Council and is deeply involved with budgeting decisions. Especially helpful backgrounds for committee members include Human Resources, Employment Law, and Entrepreneurs. Key skills for members include active listening, clear communication, compassion, supportive problem-solving, supervision, coaching, creativity, and decision-making. Click here for more information.


The Trustees serve as the Legal Authority for the church as a 501c3 organization. This means that there are legal and governance tasks to attend to in addition to providing oversight for all church-owned property and its maintenance and upkeep. Trustees also oversee any construction of new buildings and their associated Capital Campaigns. The endeavors of other committees, for instance, personnel policies produced by SPR, need to be created in tandem with Trustees since they are the legally responsible entity. All members of Trustees are protected from personal legal and financial responsibility by the Directors and Officers’ insurance held by the church. A sub-committee of Trustees, the Investments committee, monitors all non-real-property assets, most of which are funds for our Endowments with only the income available for expenditure. Investments are charged with ensuring that original donor intent and Endowment provisions are followed for expenditure. Click here for more information.