Ministry Directory
We’ve compiled a handy list of those serving in our community of
St Paul’s ministries for your convenience below:
Wednesday Night Dinner Marcia Armstrong:
Keeley Kingsbury:
Small Group Ministry
Pastor Rev. Bill Barksdale: bbarksdale@stpaulshelena.orgUnited Women in Faith
Judy Nielsen: nielsenhca@hotmail.comMission Trips
Pastor Janet Mulroy: jmulroy@mtnskyumc.orgMinistry Central Committee
John Beaver:
Peggy Hollow-Phelps: hollow.phelps@gmail.comLove Boldly
Laurie Mock: (574)527-0173 or
Dennis Mock: (57)527-6678 or dennislmock@yahoo.comThe Justice League (formerly Church & Society)
Claudia Davis: grmaclyde@gmail.comCaring Ministries
Pastor Rev. Bill Barksdale: bbarksdale@stpaulshelena.orgFamily Promise of Greater Helena
Marcia Armstrong: marciaarm52@gmail.comShower Ministry
Jeff Buscher: jeff@unitedwaylca.orgThe Chancel Choir
Liz Adler: lizardzadler@yahoo.comSpecial Musicians
Katie Smith: office@stpaulshelena.orgJazz Sundays
Don Stone: donrichardstone@gmail.comOrganist/Pianist Services
Fay Buness: faybuness@gmail.comThe Hospitality Team
Marcia Armstrong:
Jo Ann Chambers: joannGchambers@gmail.comPrayer Leaders and Liturgists
Pastor Rev. Bill Barksdale: bbarksdale@stpaulshelena.orgThe Altar Guild
Connie Johnson: cmontjohnson@hotmail.comThe Tech Team
Shawn Mitic: sounddirector@stpaulshelena.orgAdult Education
Keeley Kingsbury: education@stpaulshelena.orgChildren’s Ministry
Jennifer Ruggles: childrensministry@stpaulshelena.orgYouth Ministry
Pastor Rev. Bill Barksdale: bbarksdale@stpaulshelena.orgConfirmation
Pastor Rev. Bill Barksdale: bbarksdale@stpaulshelena.orgWalk to Emmaus and Chrysalis
Phaedra Raymond:
Creating a Culture of Renewal
Corinne Kyler: (406) 459-0012,
Marcia Armstrong: (406) 431-6066, marciaarm52@gmail.comThe St. Paul’s Trustees
Debbie Stone:, 406-461-2136The Lay Leadership and Development Committee
Pastor Rev. Bill Barksdale: bbarksdale@stpaulshelena.orgThe Finance Committee
Corinne Kyler: corinnekyler@gmail.comLay Leaders
Gary Turcott: glturcott@gmail.comDeb Beaver:
St. Paul’s Administrative Committees
Tracie Kenyon:
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